
2019-02-26 浏览324次







1. 在面试前喷香水或吸烟

Many people have sensitivities to perfumes, colognes and cigarette smoke, and some organizations have designated their workplace as fragrance-free. Know that any scent becomes more potent in a closed-door interview environment. Even if you always wear a fragrance, skip it on the day of your interview.


2. 面试中的措辞缺乏自信

If you lack confidence, the hiring manager will as well. Consider the difference between “I think I could learn that program” versus “I know I could learn it.” Role-playing the interview will remove the hesitancy from your words and voice.


3. 面试表现不错,但面试结束后寄的感谢函写得很草率

This shows a lack of consistency and solid follow-through. Sending a generic thank you or having typos or other errors in it sends red flags. Always include points specific to the meeting in your note and restate your interest in the role.


4. 以为简历中的内容考官都清楚,在面试过程中提起

Many candidates try to bring up all new material in the interview, avoiding any mention of what’s in the resume. This is a mistake. The hiring manager hasn’t spent as much time with your resume as you have—in fact, the interview may be the first time he’s had to look at it. Weave in relevant points from your resume when discussing your accomplishments, as well as how you performed day-to-day responsibilities.


5. 空手而来

Always have several extra copies of your resume. Bring a notepad and pen, and jot down notes during the interview. Arriving without these items can signal you’re unprepared or not interested in the opportunity.


6. 对面试结果漠不关心

Sometimes people think that if they were recruited for the role, they need to be “sold” on the opportunity and can coast through the interview. This is not the case. A hot job market is not an excuse for apathy. Showing a lack of interest in the firm, failing to ask any questions of the hiring manager, or looking bored will keep you out of contention.


7. 本末倒置

Asking how long it will be until you’re promoted, can take vacation, or work remote are not appropriate early in the process. Raising any of these issues before you’ve discussed the job itself is premature – and sends the wrong message.


8. 较后的叮嘱

Practicing the meeting from start to finish may uncover additional gaffes and enable you to correct them before you walk into the real thing. When it comes to the job interview, there’s just no substitute for in-person practice and preparation.


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