Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.
Everyone likes to have good times with family and friends but to make this the most important aspect in one's life is shortsighted and the quality of the “enjoyment” would be less varied and interesting if the job were not high-paying. I would choose a high-paying job with long hours because such a job has much greater long-term benefits for myself, my family and for others.
In the first place, high pay means that I could provide a better life for my family-a good home, plenty of food, nice clothes, nice birthday presents and money for my children's education. These factors are more important than a few more hours a week to spend with family if it meant, for instance that I could not send my kid to a good school or pay for needed medical treatments.
With a good job, my wife would not need to work and she could spend more time caring for the children and giving them a good life.Also, with a good job, I could save up money for a good retirement and then have lots of leisure with my wife to travel, enjoy a more active social life and be able to be generous with my grandchildren.
Lastly, with a good paying job, despite the long hours, I could also be more generous with my friends and with needy people. The guy who has an easy job with lots of free time but little money cannot help himself in a crisis much less his friends, his family and the needy who enter his life.
So, in order to provide a good life for my family, enable my wife to concentrate on the family, have an enjoyable retirement and be a responsible, generous person, I would definitely choose the high-pay, long-hour job.